On the 8th of December 2015, we validated the IT Serra Gaúcha RS marketing plan in line with the acton plan to achieve the cluster vision for the future. The future vision is that the cluster becomes reference in flexible and integrable enterprise solutions in Brazil and Latin America, specially in the industry, retail and related sectors. In the long term, the cluster evolves towards solutions for intelligent ecosystems or industry 4.0.

During the 16th and 19th of June 2015 we participated in the 8th Latin American Congress of Clusters, organized by TCI, in the city of Medellin, Colombia. Carlos Tarrasón, director of Cluster Consulting, presented the experience of the company in the panel: "How to build the cluster vision for the future and the business models for the companies of the cluster". See presentation. More information about the event at: http://8clactci.com/es/

On the 16th and 17th December 2014, Carlos Tarrasón held the first training for AGDI - Gaucho Association of Development and Investment Promotion. The training consisted of a training on the policy and methodologies of clusters to train the AGDI team and the clusters managers before starting the execution of three Cluster Initiatives in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.

During the 10th and 13th of November 2014 we participated in the 17th Clusters World Congress, organized by the TCI, in the city of Monterrey in Mexico. Carlos Tarrasón, director of Cluster Consulting, made a presentation on: "Shared value in the coffee industry of Minas Gerais, Brazil". View presentation. More information in the link: www.tci2014.com

On the 19th September 2014 we were discussing the challenges and future of the Camaçari Cluster in Bahia, largest industrial cluster in Latin America. Carlos Tarrasón presented the benefits of being a cluster and explained the importance of densifying the value chain in Bahia. See video with the presentation at the link and articles about Cluster Investment atraction and Densifying the value chain published in the newspaper o Correio da Bahia.

On the 15th of September 2014 we participated in the DNA Coffee International Seminar as part of the Brazil International Coffee Week (from 15th to 18th September) in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is the most important coffee event in Brazil and in consequence one of the most important ones in the World. Carlos Tarrasón presented insights about future strategies for Minas Gerais coffee industries.

On the 1st and 2nd September 2014 we lead three out of four modules of the Workshop to reinforce 36 Cluster Initiatives lead by Innpulsa Colombia. More than 60 people participated from 18 Colombian Departaments. The Workshop served to increase cooperation among Departments and projects, and prioritize and structure horizontal accion lines to increase competitiveness in clusters.

The 28th July 2014 presented the results of the coffee industry strategic analisis for the companies of Minas Gerais. Were presented market tendencies, business segments, and strategies for small and medium industries. The project is an initiative of SEBRAE-MG, Sindicafé and INAES to make the Minas Gerais industry leader in Brasil trought the development of new business segments and models.

The 13th Dezember 2013 took place the kick-off meeting for the Viçosa Food Technology Excelence Centre Business Plan definition project. The Fraunhofer Institute will do the project with the collaboration of Cluster Consulting and the support of SEBRAE, Minas Gerais Government and Biominas Foundation.

Publication about cluster management sustainability in Brazil through a proposal of providing value added services to its members. Complete publication at: Monetização de serviços em clusters no Brasil

During the 4th November 2013 took place in the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) a strategy and competitiveness course through the partnership with UFMG Consultoria Jr. (UCJ). Working on a real cluster initiative case with 16 students from the Economics an Business School (FACE-UFMG).

On the 31st October 2013 a meeting was held to identify cooperation opportunities between Viçosa Food Technology cluster and the representatives from the "Feeding the Planet" European Union project, representing clusters from Holland, Italy and France. Cluster Consulting followed up the implementation of the Viçosa action plan together with SEBRAE, Exportaminas, INDI and UFV from MG.